Day and night, I fight ignorance and demons on the info- front line, leaving the enemy any chance.
Due to the attack of the enemy, we have lost our minds, which means that financial support is extremely necessary for the ability of thinking of humanity.
Support my case with a one-time or regular payment - keep the defense together with OLEG SERIY. We will definitely win, save our souls and build the EDEM PROJECT!
ЄДРПОУ 37022302
IBAN UA033348510000000002600553387
Деталі платежу (коментар): Донат
Назва банку АТ «ПУМБ»
Код банку (МФО) 334851
ПП «ПРОЕКТ – ЕДЕМ» є платником податку на прибуток на загальних підставах, без ПДВ
Payee/Beneficiary Name: OLEG SIRYI
ACH routing number: 026073150
Wire routing number: 026073008
Account number: 8310459587
Account type: Checking
Payment details (comment): Donation
Wise's address: 19 W 24th Street, New York NY 10010, United States
Financial institution: Community Federal Savings Bank
Bank address: 89-16 Jamaica Ave, Woodhaven NY 11421, United States